Why Pregnancy Kitchen?
Congratulations! You’re having a baby or planning to do so.
You’ve started doing your research and we know all the information can be overwhelming. You may have heard that the incidence of neurological and chronic health problems in children have risen in the past decade and you feel worried. We’re here to help. The Neurological Health Foundation is a non-profit organization of scientists, researchers, physicians and nutritionists created to provide scientific research and recommendations to help parents have healthy, happy children. In 2016, we published The Healthy Child Guide and the Science Behind The Guide. Concerned prospective parents told us they were overwhelmed by the nutrition and lifestyle information available to them, so we created Pregnancy Kitchen – the ONE place you need to visit to learn the steps you can take to increase the likelihood of having a child free of neurological and chronic health conditions.
Pregnancy Kitchen (“PK”) is a companion program to NHF’s program, The Healthy Child Guide (www.neurologicalhealth.org). PK’s mission is simple: “to empower parents with the knowledge and resources on diet and nutrition so as to dramatically increase the odds of a healthy pregnancy as well as a happy, healthy child.” Based on empirical scientific evidence, we know that if parents follow NHF’s recommendations beginning preconception then the health benefits will follow the baby from childhood well into adulthood. Bottom line…utilizing PK’s platform and resources for a relatively short period of time (only 9-10 months) is well worth it!!
We invite you to partner with NHF by signing up to utilize Pregnancy Kitchen’s resources. NHF’s goal over the next 10 years is to positively influence the births of over 1 million children. Join us!!